Change Gone Come

Have you ever felt that the circumstances with which you live made you feel like Atlas. I have and at times I feel that way as I type these very thoughts. For those asking who is Atlas? I’m sure you have all seen him or something that resembles his figure; however, Atlas is the man we see with the world on his back. Yes, the weight of the world on his shoulders. Just for the sake of clarity his is an interchangeable word that can also function as her. Moreover, I am confident that at some point in each of our adults lives have felt as though your burdens were overwhelmingly heavy and seemingly insurmountable.

Burdens in this case, however, are not limited to external matters and should include those internal as well. For example whereas someone of a lower socioeconomic “class” feels that debt or the lack financial security weighs them down; someone of a higher socioeconomic class that lacks the genuineness of true friendship or the simplicity of genuinely being liked may have feeling that although they originate from different sources they are congruent in the effects that afflict them. I said a mouthful so please allow me to clarify my verbose nature. No matter what “walk of life” you “walk” you can become victim to stimuli that prey on you from the outside in or the inside out.

Take this into consideration; individuals with inner turmoil tend to attack themselves or others outwardly. Those that have external issues or turmoil tend to lack self confidence or prey upon the confidence of the weak. A more common example of the latter would be a “bully”. He attacks those that are physically “weaker” generally as a result of the inner strength they have for which he desires. In contrast people we refer to as “cutters” are “cutting” themselves—in my opinion—as way to demonstrate outwardly how they “feel” internally.


I am here to say that despite all the things that deter, distract, or maybe destroying you currently, there is hope! Despite the nay sayers in your life you can say “yea”. Despite the tragedy you can and will triumph.

For every moment you feel weak just remember to hold your held high because a change will come.

For every person that says that you are “not” you must believe that you “are”.

For every person that says you “can’t” you must believe that you “can”.

For every time the weight of burdens seems to grow heavier you must push back the same force exerting against you.

Simply put if you believe that you are better than your current “status quo” then you are in the very early stages of better changes to come. I am reminded of one of my favorite poems which you read by clicking on the title: It Couldn’t Be Done by Edgar Guest

If you are a music lover you might enjoy these pieces “Change Gone Come” By: Sam Cooke or “Stand” By: Donnie McClurkin.

~~carving a statue of snow

Article by Brian Epps